
Oh, the glory of finding a mountain that overlooked an ocean on an island that day! How often do that many metaphors present themselves all at once?;) . . . And finding the brave to walk out on the ledge of it all . . . . It's a badass moment that just won't leave me alone. Don't look down and don't look back . . . the mantra that moved me to the edge . . . has the power to carry me for a lifetime . . . or a season . . .
Even so, these pinnacles of hope . . . these moments of triumph . . . one fades into the next that we chase. I hold a generous handful in my heart and file them away in my soul for the hurting days . . .
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I'm Aerin Leigh . . . by day I'm an educational consultant, an instructional coach, a reading specialist . . . by night, a runner, a writer . . . a cancer fighter . . . but mostly, I'm a child of the Most High God . . .
So I never give up on tomorrow . . .
A few years back, I changed my name, quit my job, and quit making excuses for not yet having changed the world through my own writing. I created this blog, learned some social media, and threw myself into working on the book I'd begun a long time ago. A few months and a few pages later, unexpected and extenuating circumstances forced me back to work . . . and then . . . somewhere behind a rainbow and halfway across the state (of Michigan). Life does push back, doesn't it?! But you know what? It's a wonderful life always . . . because in the deepest winter, there is a growing season for the human heart. I have a new window on the world that looks to the west . . . And every new day I wake to the rising sun . . . or a snow sky that blocks the light. It doesn't matter which . . . because I know it's there . . . The Light. If I can carry it with me and radiate its love, it's a good day.
So between the new job and the often bewildering new world of suddenly alone . . . between the navigation of daily adventures and heart hurts and miracles that break through the light, the book is coming slow. It will be another miracle when it's finished. That day is coming. In the by and by, I've taken to writing in short bursts of inspiration that mostly wake me up around 3am;) . . . but feed my soul and manifest into poems and the occasional blog. My faith is deep, though, especially on my sleepless nights, and I know that my journey will bring me home to my destiny . . . In that by and by . . . before the book . . . and as I'm becoming Aerin Leigh (I get a little closer every day) . . . I'll share my story as it unfolds in Small Journeys.

Becoming Aerin Leigh . . .
And navigating the Small Journeys of an Abundant Life . . .